We offer consultancy to enable you to start using the Internet to promote your business and commence trading using the Internet as quickly and economically as possible. We specifically cater for individuals and small to medium sized businesses and traders.
To some extent creating a web site is the easy part, where our expertise extends is within Internet Marketing, i.e. getting your site visible on Leading Search engines and driving visitors to your site.
Although webjoy works along side others unless you want to you don’t need to meet any of them, webjoy looks after the relationship between your requirements and the delivery of that service with the various experts and service providers.
We all too often receive emails promising first page rankings, money back guaranteed if you cannot be found on the first page of Google, think about it: if everyone can be found on the first page then surely they are lying!, they are reliant on you not asking for your money back – it’s far worse, you will have wasted 3 – 6 months of your time and still not be found! We don’t promise this, we do promise the highest ranking achievable, often this is the first page. The thing to realise is that there are different sets of keywords which can drive visits to your website. Webjoy will work hard at finding the relevant keyword sets which can deliver visits for your particular business.
If you already have a web site but you are not getting leads from Search Engines then we can offer you a Search Engine registration, optimisation and reporting service with leading Search Engines (including Google and Bing) to guarantee that people will be able to find your web site.
Most types of business can benefit from E-commerce trading. We are happy to establish a step by step approach in meeting your needs e.g. from a small web site with just a few web pages plus email up to a large E-commerce credit card purchasing site, with shopping baskets and checkouts etc.
If you want to know more about web sites basics and how we work just contact us.
For a no obligation estimate or advice just contact
Webjoy is based in Frome (near Bath), Somerset in the UK.
Regards Nigel Billam (CEO)